Kata course from 12.03.2022

In this year’s kata course, in addition to the Junro and Heian katas, Gangaku, Kakuyoku Sandan, Kankudai and Jion were also on the programme. Thanks to the three instructors (Markus Weber Sensei, Beat Frey Sensei and Nadir Affinito Sensei), three groups could be made and the students could be supported and advised much better. The…

Instructortraining from 12.02.2022

Just two weeks after our first instructortraining, the second instructortraining took place. Our Vice-President Markus Weber Sensei led a very instructive and practical course. The two hours were over quickly and we would have liked to continue. In the first hour we mainly trained different kihon exercises. The second hour consisted of being able to…